Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Interesting Baby Names: Top 10 Worst Names

After stumbling upon an advertisement for cool baby names and clicking on said advertisement, this idea came to me, what are the top 10 worst baby names I can find.
Now, this was only after seeing a cute baby picture with the name 'Baby Boi' as a cool name to give your son.
Before you all say "but Baby Boi ain't that bad", bear in mind that this is all the poor child's first name. Not first and middle but all first.

After doing some research (well, what I call research which is about half an hour of reading through a list of bad names) I came up with my list of  top 10 worst names to give your baby.
Some are a little interesting to say the least but from what I have seen, please for the love of all that is good DO NOT combine names without thinking.

Now let's get to it, drum roll please.......

10. Hashtag
Not too bad but seems like not too much thought into it either. Sounds cool-ish enough but then again hashtag is what we used to allow users and search engines alike to find a topic. So his/her's name is not really too unique in meaning.

9. Audacious
Sigh, this baby's parents had the audacity to come up with such a name smh. Nice to say though

8. Aquafresh
Do they not know how cruel kids can be. All I can say is this kid's parents better make sure his teeth are always clean.

Here goes the combination story, baby's grandparents names are John and Veronica. I'm sure you can guess what they did.

6. Dorcus
-_- As I said, do these people not know or remember how cruel kids can be?? My heart goes out to you man.

5. Phelony
Again this one does not sound too bad, however, just the meaning of the word alone made it reach top 5. They should have gone back to the drawing board,. Are they trying to pick the career path already for the baby

4. Hellzel
I can't even, I just cannot get the reasoning behind this. Dad loves hell's angels I think and mom didn't like Hazel so compromise (shrugs shoulder)

3. Orgasm
-_- So I take it that this kid's parents needed a reminder of how he/she got here.

2. Chlamydia
Yes boys and girls you read that one correctly. Not a typo, not an excerpt from another article but yup, that's the baby's name. Poor kid

And my number 1 name which was almost tied with number 2 is...........

1. Syphilis 
What in the what? Who does that? It really should be a crime to give your baby weird names. One can only imagine the life set out ahead for this poor child's future.

There you have it Interesting Baby Names: my Top 10 Worst Names


  1. These parents are too cruel, syphilis though lol

  2. LOL, Vejonica.......oy mind went its usual path of thinking........damn it

  3. LOL I like this one, cruel parents tho to give there kids those names. Vejonica does't sound too bad i liked that name.

    1. it doesn't sound too bad, but can be twisted lol

  4. Some people tho, "here comes President Syphilis and her husband Mr. Gonorrhea" like wtf

    1. I'd vote for a President Syphilis lol

  5. I can't I literally can't

  6. should be crime I tell ya

  7. This is ur most commented on page isn't it lol. These parents r awful

  8. These parents are the worst

  9. smh like seriously rofl

  10. Sometimes in trying to be unique you end naming your kids crap..

  11. now what in the world were these people thinking???

  12. I'm in shock right now

  13. I just can't, I literally can't

  14. these ppl need 2 b put down

    1. put down, banned from having kids u name it

  15. Who the hell would name their child Orgasm? That's savage
